Gynaecological Cancer Treatment

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Understanding Gynaecological Cancers: A Comprehensive Guide

Gynaecological cancers are cancers that affect the female reproductive organs. The most common gynaecological cancers are ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and uterine cancer.

Risk Factors

There are a number of risk factors for gynaecological cancers, including:

  • Age: The risk of developing gynaecological cancers increases with age.
  • Family history: Women with a family history of gynaecological cancers are at an increased risk.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection: HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause cervical cancer.
  • Obesity or overweight: Obesity is a risk factor for ovarian and endometrial cancer.
  • Hormonal factors and reproductive history: Women who have never been pregnant or who have had late menopause are at an increased risk for ovarian cancer.


The symptoms of gynaecological cancers can vary depending on the type of cancer. Some common symptoms include:

  • Ovarian cancer: Abdominal bloating, pelvic pain, changes in bowel habits, feeling full quickly.
  • Cervical cancer: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain during intercourse, pelvic pain.
  • Uterine cancer: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, enlarged uterus.


There are a number of tests that can be used to diagnose gynaecological cancers, including:

  • Pap smear: Screening for cervical cancer and precancerous changes.
  • HPV test: Detecting high-risk strains of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer.
  • Imaging scans: Ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans to assess the extent of the disease.
  • Biopsy: Tissue sampling for definitive diagnosis.

Treatment Options

The treatment options for gynaecological cancers depend on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, and the individual patient's considerations. Treatment options may include:

  • Surgery: Removal of cancerous tissue, lymph nodes, or affected organs.
  • Radiation therapy: Targeted radiation to destroy cancer cells or shrink tumors.
  • Chemotherapy: Medications to kill cancer cells or prevent their growth and spread.
  • Targeted therapy: Drugs that specifically target cancer cells with specific genetic changes.
  • Hormonal therapy: Medications to block hormones that may fuel cancer growth.

Side Effects

Treatment for gynaecological cancers may cause certain side effects. While side effects vary, here are some commonly experienced ones:

  • Infertility or changes in reproductive function
  • Menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, or mood changes
  • Bowel or bladder problems

Follow-Up and Outcomes

Regular follow-up care and surveillance are essential in gynaecological cancer management. Here are key aspects:

  • Routine check-ups, imaging, and blood tests to monitor for recurrence or other concerns.
  • Awareness of potential signs of recurrence, such as unexplained pain or abnormal bleeding.

If you have any questions or would like personalized medical advice regarding Gynaecological cancer, please feel free to contact Dr. Madhuri at Apollo Cancer Institute, Jubilee Hills. We are here to support you throughout your cancer journey.

Note: This article is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized information and recommendations regarding gynaecological cancers.